Sunday, December 2, 2012

Using Math Videos in the Classroom

I began hearing about flipping your classroom from a teacher in my district. She told me that it could be expensive and time consuming, but raved about the results she was seeing with students. 

I knew nothing about the topic of a Flipped Classroom, so I started researching. It has become the answer to many of my biggest educational doubts and time concerns. Through making the math videos, my students are able to go at their own pace to learn the math content by the test date. I have seen students blossom into learners that realize what they need to do to become successful at mastering math skills. 

I've started with baby steps by making the math videos for the lessons that I am currently teaching. These videos are in no way professional. They are very informal of me explaining the steps to solving the math problems in the lesson and learning the content. You'll hear my daughter, husband, and animals in the background from time to time. Here is an example:

Currently, kids are loving the math videos. They feel like they are in charge of their learning and don't have to wait for a mini-lesson when they are ready to move on. Kids that realize that they don't have the concept ask clarifying questions and ask for more examples to help them understand, but ultimately kids are feeling more responsible for what they are learning. They are focusing on mastering the math concepts instead of just getting the math lesson done. They love not having to do the bookwork if they can show mastery of the lessons and skills.

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